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Teaching Philosophy

The greatest challenge facing students is motivation, whether it is the drive to complete homework, or to become part of the classroom community. My main goal as a teacher is to create a comfortable and safe classroom environment that fosters self-motivated learning and growth. I became an educator because I know I have the knowledge, compassion, and drive to develop a classroom that reflects these aspects of a successful learning environment. To achieve this, it is important for school staff and educators to be support systems for students. However, while counselors and school psychologists are available, students often have a more trusting relationship with the teachers they see every day. Students must feel comfortable to come to their teacher for answers, guidance, and support. If a student does not seem engaged and/or is struggling, the teacher should seek them out and find the source of the problem. I make a genuine effort to know my students, have individual conversations with them, and be a person they can come to with more than just mathematics problems. It is a teacher’s responsibility to create a positive and welcoming classroom environment where students are excited and comfortable to enter and learn.


To create classroom comfort, a teacher must first understand the unique backgrounds of each individual. Every school year I give a slideshow presentation sharing information about my interests and family. I then have students complete a written survey about themselves as well as share some fun facts about themselves verbally. I make an effort to read every survey and memorize at least one fact about each of my 170 students. Throughout the school year I look back at these surveys and start conversations based off our commonalities or each student's interests. Additionally, part of my daily classroom routine is to open class with a discussion of how my students' weeks are going, what they are looking forward to that day, and any concerns they have about their progress in class. As an educator, I take the most pride in building personal connections with my pupils to foster a welcoming environment based off mutual respect.


To that effect, one of my main roles is to help students work together to create a classroom culture that allows students to openly communicate and learn from each other, which can be achieved through group work, common classroom expectations and rules, and giving students choice in assignments that allow them to showcase their varied talents and strengths. Each student’s background and culture can be used as a vehicle for learning when a teacher provides opportunities for students to act as the teacher with their peers. If students know they are part of a safe environment where their knowledge base and history are valued, they will arguably be more likely to participate and succeed.


Above all else, I believe every student has the potential to be academically successful. Labeling a student as a ‘D’ student or unmotivated is counterproductive. A teacher’s hidden beliefs can adversely affect a student’s ability to succeed in the classroom when the teacher inadvertently gives up on a student. It is important to believe in every student and encourage them to strive for academic success and excellence. A teacher’s support can be a motivating factor for students to be their own advocates. While this is not an easy feat, small acknowledgements of success can make a dramatic impact in the long run. By providing opportunities for growth such as quiz recoveries/corrections or written encouragement such as "awesome job- I'm proud of you" on assignments, students learn their hard work is valued and that there are opportunities to grow and succeed even after failure. 


Overall, teaching is more than simply reciting course content to a group of peering eyes. Teaching is about building and fostering connections that encourage students to grow into the best versions of themselves. By caring and demonstrating a true interest in each pupil's development, an educator can create a community where students want to learn, improve, and succeed.


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